Dear Milliners/Vendors,


Let the first (and only) Hat Festival in the United States begin:  The Hat Festival of Georgetown, South Carolina!


The STAGE is set:  


And what a stage it will be! Georgetown absolutely sparkles, with blocks of vibrant shops, set on a beautiful river walk, nestled between historic homes. Please visit and see for yourself!


The STAFF is bursting with enthusiasm and expertise. We're ready to CAST THE MILLINERS


But first a DATE CHANGE. Our Festival was moved back a week to accommodate a nearby event that would have caused a conflict.




Friday will be a day for Milliners to set up, followed by a complimentary dinner and music with City officials and sponsors.  While the public can start shopping on Friday, the Festival officially kicks off Saturday morning with a jam packed weekend, filled with parades, hat competitions, food, street entertainment, and music.




  • You will be positioned either individually within select stores or collectively in a large building space
  • You will request the number of tables in your application, which can be supplemented with your own two hat trees
  • You will have complimentary admission to The Kentucky Derby Party Saturday night and the Tea Party Sunday afternoon, which includes the juried Milliners' Competition (in addition to the dinner Friday night)
  • You will have all day Saturday and Sunday to sell your hats, days that will be filled with parades, hat contests, food, music, hat games, hat decorating, etc.
  • Your participation in this Festival will be part of a marketing campaign that includes but is not limited to: Radio and television coverage in the Georgetown and Charleston areas, billboards, social media connections, email blasts, local, national, and international newspaper and magazine publications (including The HAT Magazine and Hatalk), collaborations with local businesses and organizations. 

Your cost to be part of this all star cast is $300.00 (tax deductible)


Housing arrangements are on your own. There are hotels, motels, bed and breakfasts, house rental arrangements in every size and price range since Georgetown and its nearby areas are major tourist destinations.  Details on this topic and other relevant issues provided once your participation is confirmed and plans move forward.


How to "Audition" for Your Role in this Production (aka How to Toss Your Hats in this Ring)


  • Provide the following information:  Contact Name, Business Name, Address (City, State, Zip), Phone number, Cell phone number, Email, Web site (which must include bio)
  • Estimate how many hats you realistically plan to bring
  • Indicate the price range of your hats
  • Indicate the types of hats (including if any are for men/boys)
  • Include list of any comparable events in which participated
  • Send CHECK for $300.00 payable to The Hat Festival of Georgetown, SC to Archie Burkel, 805 Heyward Cove, Charleston, SC, 29412 by September 30, 2016 


Only one milliner per entry; special arrangement for those interested in the Juried Milliner Competition only.


Once again, the information requested and  your tax deductible CHECK for $300.00 must be postmarked by Friday, September 30, 2016. 


  • Your CHECK will not be deposited until Milliners have been selected (within three weeks of the September 30th deadline)
  • A Waiting List will be formed after that time and CHECKS returned


One final and important reminder:  The dates of The Hat Festival of Georgetown, South Carolina have been changed to:


FRIDAY - SUNDAY, MAY 5, 6, 7, 2017


The date of my next meeting in Georgetown is Monday, September 12th. You can expect to hear from me shortly thereafter. 


Here's to my hearing from YOU between now and September 30th!



Archie, The Director of The Hat Festival of Georgetown

The Hat Festival of Georgetown, SC