What on earth is a Doo Dah?

 It is a name The Hat Ladies have given to those tips that circle the Internet that may or may not be true.  Since we are a giving Organization, we have been sharing those tidbits we believe have enough common sense to be valid.  As with anything, "buyer beware."  We are neither responsible or liable if the following Doo Dah's turn out to be urban legends or worse.  On the other hand, we will hatpily accept your grahatitude for those tips that prove to be helpful.

As you can see, they are organized according to the following categories (or hategories, as we prefer to call them):

Crime Prevention Tips    (Updated 4/7)

Driving Tips                 (includes tips on accidents and insurance)

Financial Tips               (includes lost credit card/wallet tips)

Home and Garden        (includes food tips)    

Home Safety              

Internet Tips

Medical Tips                (includes beauty tips)        (Updated 4/7)

Personal Safety Tips      (includes tips from Tae Kwon Do and Earthquake safety)     


Telephone Tips
